Imaging Studies Required
For Shoulders
- Plain radiographs: AP, Axillary and Lateral view
- MRI and CT scan of the shoulder
For Elbow
- Plain radiographs: AP, lateral, internal oblique and external oblique view
- MRI and CT scan (with 3D reconstruction) of the elbow
For Knee
- Plain radiographs:
- Long leg standing AP view of both lower extremities
- Standing lateral view of both knees
- Rosenberg’s view of both knees
- Skyline Merchant view of both knees
- MRI and CT scan of the knee
- For cases of patelofemoral instability, a full lower extremity CT scan is needed to evaluate femoral anteversion and tibial rotation.
Sending the imaging studies: All patients must send all the required imaging studies at least 48 hours before the online consultation to
Hours: Friday at 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM CET (2 spots available per week)
Visit duration: 30 minutes
Medical fees: 200 euros
Book Your Appointment
Dr. Eduard Alentorn Geli
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